I am Mukund Solanki.

Software developer from India, specializes in web development, mobile app development, IoT, and AI/ML. With a passion for innovation and a commitment to excellence.

✦ Experience

Mobile Developer - GDSC

  • Contributed actively as a mobile developer in GDSC AITR, leveraging skills in Android/iOS development to build innovative applications and solutions.
  • Organized and coordinated various technical events as part of GDSC AITR, demonstrating strong project management and organizational skills in planning, executing, and promoting events within the college community.
  • Actively engaged in continuous learning and skill development, staying updated with the latest trends and technologies in mobile development.

✦ Achievements

OpinHacks 2k23 - Winner

  • Successfully participated in OpinHacks 2k23, a prestigious 36-hour offline hackathon held at Bhilai Institute of Technology and Research in Chhattisgarh.
  • Earned recognition for outstanding performance, securing a cash prize of Rupees 30,000 as a testament to our team's innovative solutions and technical prowess.
  • Honored with the Quine track prize, showcasing excellence in a specific category and earning team exclusive swags and merchandise from Quine.sh, one of the event sponsors.
  • Highlighting collaborative spirit, effective teamwork, and the ability to deliver impactful solutions within a competitive hackathon environment.

HackCBS 6.0 - Winner

  • Contributed to a record-breaking event with 11,863 registrations from 716 colleges and 439 cities across 25 countries, demonstrating the widespread impact and reach of the hackathon.
  • Secured the first position at HackCBS 6.0, showcasing exceptional skills, creativity, and problem-solving abilities, and earning recognition for our team's outstanding performance.
  • Received significant rewards, including a cash prize of rupees 40,000, Logitech MX Master 3S series mice for each team member, and prizes worth $15,000. Additionally, being honored with swags and merchandise from sponsors like MLH and GitHub further highlights our team's success and industry recognition.
  • Engaged with esteemed sponsors including Major League Hacking, Ton, Orkers, GitHub, Devfolio, Logitech, Replit, BlueLearn, BobbleAI, and more, underscoring team's relevance and recognition within the tech community.

HackThisFall 4.0 - Top 10

  • Participated in HackThisFall 2k24, a prestigious 36-hour hackathon held at Karnavati University in Gandhinagar, showcasing team's dedication to innovation and problem-solving in the tech industry.
  • Secured a coveted position among the top 10 teams in the competition, demonstrating exceptional skills, creativity, and ability to deliver impactful solutions within a competitive hackathon environment.



WebLink is a web application created using SvelteJS ,allow user to create their portfolio for all their links in one place.


A Flutter based mobile application to use Raspberry Pi as NAS Server. allows user to use there NAS from anywhere


A web-based Code Editor built with React. It allows users to write and run HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code in real-time, providing a live output preview.


Quizit👀 is a Flutter-based mobile application that allows users to complete quizzes and receive a certificate upon completing all the quizzes.


Flutter application that allows you to control your computer mouse movements remotely using your mobile device as a touchpad.


A URL Shortener service implemented using GoLang, currently working on this project

I am an Open Source Contributor actively seeking opportunities to contribute effectively to open source projects and connect with like-minded individuals. You can explore my GitHub profile for more information :)


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Make it work, make it right, make it fast.

Make it work, make it right, make it fast.

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